Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

What a wonderful Memorial Day we had this year. Everything started off slowly. We actually got to sleep in. That alone is fantastic.

Once everyone got moving we had to run to Academy because I just could not squeeze into my old swim suit. I tried but I am not back to my pre-pregnancy size or shape. After a depressing time trying on suits I found one that was not half bad. And away we went.

After we stopped and got drinks we went to our friends house for swimming and burgers. The food was delicious and the company was great as always. The kids enjoyed playing while we sat next to the pool and talked.

After swimming we went back home for a little nap before heading out again. Mando went out fishing with a few of his friends and the kids and I went to my parents house for dinner. My brother makes the best smoked brisket.

We had a wonderful day filled with good food, great company and happy kids.

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