Friday, April 11, 2008


I know everyone was affected by the storm a couple of days ago. We just got our Internet back. We had a tree limb on the roof of our house and a large tree fell from our backyard and landed next to our kitchen windows. We were lucky it did not land on the house. The tree people came out yesterday afternoon about 3pm and worked until 730pm getting it all cleaned up. Once they were done the only damage left was a window they broke cutting down the rest of the tree that was on the roof.

This picture is out my kitchen window. My backyard is two rooms away from my kitchen if that helps determine the size of this tree.

Aside from that we are almost done moving, we have a couple of things left in the house, table and such, then just a bit in the backyard. Hopefully we will finish up today. We do not have an attic in the new house so we will be having a yard sale soon, since we do not have room for all the stuff we have.

I will try to post pictures of how full my house is when I get home. Its ridiculous.

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