Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Update

So I went to the Dr. yesterday for my 38 week appointment. All my stats were great. The babys heartbeat was great. Then she measured me. I have measured about 2 weeks ahead for most of this pregnancy. This week I measured 41 weeks. My Dr. recommended we move up my scheduled c-section due to my size and the fact that I have had 2 prior so the possibility of complications is greater.

Today my Dr's office called and let me know that we have been moved from March 3rd to February 24th. This news was a bit worrysome to me since I am losing a week of preparation and cleaning time. I feel better about it now though, thinking about how much more comfortable he and I both will be when he has more room.

Keep us in your thoughts Tuesday...


Kelly Goulding said...

That is exciting! You and the baby are in my prayers.
it's funny because my sister in law is being induced on the 24th also to have her baby boy too!

Unknown said...

2/24 is a great date! Cleaning can always come later, but what a joy to get to meet him early! We will be thinking of you Tuesday!