Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had the greatest weekend with the kids. It started yesterday with a crawfish boil in the backyard. Emily, Carter, Sophia, Chase, Isa, Mando, Greg and I were thrilled to sit down to a delicious dinner. After 13 lbs of crawfish, 2 lbs of shrimp, potatoes, corn on the cob and garlic bread we were stuffed.
Today we slept in a bit. Around 10:00am we left for Dinosaur Valley State Park. It was a beautiful day.

After a couple hours of swimming it was time for lunch. Yummy.

After lunch we went back to the river and had lots of fun at a different place. The kids had a great time going through the waterfall rapids.

We had a fabulous time today. Everyone was so worn out.

This is Chase

Here's Isa

Carter and Emily


Mando and Sophia were ahead of us. Sophia was happy because she got his total attention all the way...

We had such a good time we will be going back very soon.

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