Thursday, March 6, 2008

The pencil

Yesterday when I picked Chase up from soccer practice she told me there was a girl in her class that did not like her. So the girl stabbed her with a pencil. More than once. This little girl stabbed her in the back and in the leg yesterday and a few days before that she stabbed her in the arm. All of the marks were make through her clothes. My first question was if she had told anyone at the school? No. Did she do anything to provoke this behavior from the girl? No. (sigh) I was so pissed off... the school was lucky that they were already closed. We came home and I took pictures and calmed down a bit. Later yesterday evening I email the Principal and Vice-principal and attached the pictures I had taken. This morning I walked in with her and spoke to the Principal about the issue as I was not comfortable leaving her in the class if the girl was going to keep hurting her. He assured me that it would be taked care of immediately. Her school is usually very good about these things so I have no doubt it will be fine by this afternoon. However if it is not taken care of in a way that protects Chase I will be calling the police and filing assault charges against this girl.

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