Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Anniversary

Today Mando and I have been married for 4 years...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

An Update

What a wonderful holiday season we have landed in... Thanksgiving was great. We had everyone over to our house and boy did we put down some food. We ate all day long. On Friday Mando, Isa and I got up early and braved the crowds to get some shopping done. Walmart and Sams were the two we hit in the morning, then we came home for a nap. After our very restful nap (Isa laid down with us also and kicked both of us the whole time) we got all the kids ready and went out shopping again.

Everyone here seems to be getting into the Christmas spirit. I am glad because I need help decorating since I have little to no balance left and cant climb a ladder.

Today we had another Dr. appointment and the baby is doing well. He seems to be causing my body to not work as well as it should. My glucose test came back elevated so I have to watch my sugar intake and I take the three hour glucose test on Tuesday. My iron level is too low so I am now on a high iron diet... YUM YUM. Going to have to find a way to make that all taste good. I had my rhogam shot since I am rh negative. They did it in my shoulder this time and I could not believe how much more it hurt that when I had it in my hip last time. I also had blood drawn which is not too bad. Seems like they take blood every time I go.

The Dr. is scheduling this c-section for March 3, 2009.