Wow. How quickly time got away from me. I always had the intention of updating the blog but life happens sometimes. So here goes our last month.
First we celebrated Chases 12th birthday. She gets to pick the restaurant and we all meet for dinner, cake and presents. This year she chose a Vietnamese restaurant called Phuongs. Everyone had a great time and we all had some wonderful food. Chase of course had a great time.
Next we had our annual Halloween Party. It is typically a costume party and we fry fish and all hang out together while the kids play. This year I did not dress up. Maternity costumes are really just ugly...
Then came November...
This month has been mostly full of dr. appointments. I went to the doctor and measured 8 weeks bigger than I am supposed to be. So test after test after test. All normal results. Today I had a sonogram so they could measure fluid and size. All perfect. They decided we are just going to have a big baby boy. Here is a pic. of his face.
Aside from that we have been dealing with a virus running through our house. So far Isa and Mando have been sick. We are just waiting to see who is next.
Happy Thanksgiving